Lisa has demonstrated unwavering courage through her dedication to pursue continuing education and participate in community outreach. Lisa’s professional journey can be described in one word "thrive". The word thrive encompasses so much exuberance and growth, it is evident that it is Lisa's professional philosophy and what she hopes to see in those around her. It is also what she strives for in practice and for the future – a thriving profession, thriving clients, and thriving communities.
Lisa is a pillar of the dental community and is recognized by many peers as a leader in dental health promotion. She has acted in leadership roles by proposing ways to improve government dental programs as a method to overcome social stigma. It has taken her courage to leave a full-time career and follow her path of completing a diploma and degree in consecutive years, in order to accomplish her long-term goal of becoming a university graduate. Lisa has displayed innovation in her professional practice and utilized the skills learned at Brock and Western University. By furthering her education after working for many years, she has become an inspiration to other health professionals. Leaders are individuals who possess exemplary qualities, and those who have affected us in ways that make us want to be better people. These are all defining characteristics of Lisa's nature. Lisa has dedicated time and resources to community projects by volunteering at local community health centers. She has generously treated dental clients who had no means of attaining dental treatment. Lisa has impacted the lives of many people in the community by sharing her expertise and passion through community outreach projects. Lisa is currently enrolled in her master’s degree in Advanced Health Care Practice at Western University. Her educational stream is focused on health policy and legislation in order to become a true advocate for those of lower socioeconomic status, as she too came from a humble upbringing. Lisa is the first person in her family to graduate from secondary and now post-secondary education. Lisa has never let any obstacle stand in the way of a dream. Granting her this award would allow her to bring her dreams to fruition, so that one day, she too will be able to bring a smile to another person in need.